Sunday 20 July 2014


We're starting to get a garden! It's been a challenge this year. The very late & wet spring. Flooding of the river that runs alongside , and for awhile, over our garden. As well as the reed canary grass that still threatens to take back what it had claimed as it's own these many long years. 
We've tilled and mulched & weeded. And things are finally growing in a nicely laid out garden! Woohoo!
These beautiful plants (one is a zucchini) are volunteers from last year.
Onions and tiny Tim tomato plants.
The melon and cucumber and squash patch.
Last years carrots are blooming while this years are growing.
The next bed waiting under a thick layer of mulch. 
I'm planting every week more beets, carrots & greens for use into the fall. 
