Friday 20 September 2013

Signs of Autumn.....

.....the littles & I go for a walk nearly every day, weather permitting.
And with the coming of autumn, comes the beautiful changes in the scenery!
...the maple leaves turning red.
...the last bits of garden left to be harvested.
....turkeys for thanksgiving.
....sumac is turning red.
....fall flowers along a stone wall.
....ripe apples.
...milkweed pods bursting to release their fluff and seeds.
...berries for the birds.
...Chinese lanterns along a neighbour's fence.
....acorns for the squirrels and chipmunks.
...wooly bear caterpillar.
....and last but not least , knitting ! Lots and lots of glorious knitting. Socks, more socks, hats & mittens.

Have a good one!

Friday 13 September 2013

A perfect fall day.....

10C. Coffee, a walk with my little guys, dyeing wool and some knitting time this afternoon while they nap.

Have a good one!