Sunday 1 June 2014

Solar dyeing.... time for spinning or knitting today. But I did take time to set up some jars for solar dyeing. 
3 of the half gallon size held a 100g skein of fingering merino/silk yarn.
The gallon jar held 100g of Romney cross roving. 
I let them sit in the hot sun all day and by this evening they have fully exhausted. I'll drain & rinse them and hang them out to dry.


Sunday, Sunday...

....a beautiful day to be outside doing yard work & gardening :)
Papa Bear cut & swept the yard for the precious clippings. We use them as mulch around the apple tree and in the gardens. This year we started right off by mulching all the beds. Usually we end up overwhelmed by weeds and spend many long hours weeding and then mulching. Hopefully any weeds that do come up through will be easy to pull. Plus it just looks a lot tidier with the mulch :)
Finally, we have our own asparagus bed! In a few years, we'll be eating our own fresh asparagus for dinner. Can't wait!
Tomatoes & lettuce.
More tomatoes & romaine lettuce. We love fresh, sun-ripened tomatoes straight from the garden :)
Sweet peppers. 
Our garlic crop - we didn't get it harvested last year and will enjoy lots this year!
Volunteer onions from last year.
And a few carrots coming up.
We've also moved the meat chickens into the big barn. More room and the coolness of the cement floors is much more practical. In a day or two, they will spend their days outside in a big open run. Much healthier for them and a lot easier for us as it keeps most of the manure outside. We lock them up only at night for their protection .
