Sunday 28 October 2012

Rainy day knitting....

It's a rainy day here. One where the chill just seems to seep into your bones. The rains from oncoming storm "Sandy" have started. It's supposed to rain here right through Friday. Though we are thankful that we are not near the point of impact. Our thoughts & prayers go out to those that will be facing that hardship.
I'm working on a pair of socks. Knit with my hand-dyed millspun yarn of 80% wool/ 20% mohair. Just doing a plain k2p2 rib for the leg & instep. I''ve got two sales left this year - both in December and am hoping to get a few pairs of mitts done as well. So back to the needles and another hot cup of tea.

Have a good one and stay warm. :-)

Thursday 18 October 2012

Exploded sheep??

 I washed a fleece this week. And I've laid it out in the living room to dry. It looks like a sheep exploded in here. :) This is "Blue" ~ a texel cross from Carolyn Turner ~ a local shepherd. Haven't weighed the washed fleece yet but I'm guessing there is at least 5 lbs here. Not just sure how I'll use this. The kidlets want me to dye it first before spinning. And of course they are all hoping that they"ll score a pair of mitts out of it. Hopefully it will be fully dry by this afternoon and I'll pack it away for a bit as I've got a couple of knitting orders that I need to do first.
Have a good one!
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Monday 8 October 2012

A killing frost...

....the first of this fall. I'm leaving a trail crushed grass as I walk out to the coops this morning. My tomato plants have not survived this. I'll pull them and let the hens clean off what tomatoes are left. Then I'll clear the bed in the garden and get my garlic planted.
Inside the house we''ve got the little electric stove on to bring the sitting room up to a comfortable 69. I'd love a woodstove in here but this is where the littles  play during the week and I'd not want anyone to get burned.

Enjoy the day ~ the sun is shining here. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving...

...from our small farm to you. :)  Today is turkey day here in Canada. But in this small part of the world it is chicken day. Chick day to be exact! It's day 21 in our incubator and at 6:00am this morning peeping could be heard from inside. The first chick is making a break for it! Slowly, very slowly it is pecking away at the shell. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be. A couple of pics to show the progress.

Friday 5 October 2012

Thanksgiving Weekend...

...and the start of the holiday season. A time of year that we gather with friends & family in the coziness of our homes. Eating dinners together, sharing laughs & memories. A time of celebration & of remembering past years. This year we'll celebrate the coming of a new grandbaby! Sometime in April of 2013, we'll welcome grandchild #6. I'm so excited. Planning to start knitting soon...just need to check with mom-to-be about the choice of fibre. I'd prefer pure wool but she's a working mom so may opt for machine washable wool.
So to all my Canadian friends ~ Happy Thanksgiving! And to the rest ~ happy family-time all the time!