Monday 24 September 2012

Fall has arrived...

We celebrated the autumn equinox last week. The munchkins came home from school with leaves pinned to their shirts to mark the day. So cute! And today we woke to the first frost here. It was 2.9C at 5:00AM and there was frost on my van as I went to the box to collect the paper. Not sure what I would find when I ventured out to the veggie patch after we put the kidlets on the bus. A pleasant surprise - it wasn't a killing frost, so I have time to still enjoy fresh tomatoes& peppers, and I don't need to harvest the butternut squash and pumpkins just yet. :) But soon. Then I can start covering the patch with loads of mulched leaves to help build the soil. It's almost pure clay and I'm hoping the leaves will help lighten it up. And living on a beef farm, I can get my hands (or my shovel) on manure to help build it up as well.
I've started some bread rising to enjoy at dinner this evening. We'll enjoy hot roast beef sandwiches with our farm fresh beef simmered this afternoon in gravy as well as some butternut squash mashed with maple syrup & butter. Warm good food to fill us up after cool days. I love this time of year!
Gina's Warm & Woolies started back to the Frontenac Farmer's Market this past Saturday. And while it wasn't busy due to the torrential rainfall and blustery winds, it was nice visiting with old friends and catching up on all the news. I'll be there until the end of the season - Oct 27, 2012.

Time to get knitting! ~ til later....

Sunday 9 September 2012

Yummy lunch...

Had a most delicious lunch yesterday. Picked a bowl of black cherry tomatoes fresh from the garden. (I love shopping in the back yard!) Sliced them in half, tossed them with olive oil & basil and then convection roasted them at 325 for about an hour and a half. Cooked up a package of cheese-filled tortellini and heated up a jar of marinara sauce at the same time. I tossed the tomatoes with the noodles, added the sauce & popped in some slices of bocconcini. Served it with a salad of fresh greens and sliced red onions and tossed with simple home-made viniagrette and slices of flax & honey bread.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Nearly there...

I'm almost at the heel flap for my second sock. Had quite a bit of knitting time yesterday. I did take time to head out to the Garlic Festival at the Verona  Lions Centre. Vendors galore selling all kinds of garlic related products. I picked up my seed garlic for next year's crop. As well, I bought two loaves of fresh bread from Greystone Farm and some garlic scape paste from Beaver Pond Estates. Mmmm garlic. And I ran into a few people that I hadn't seen in a while. It's always nice to get out and chat with friends.
It's the last Sunday before school goes back and my girls are taking advantage of sleeping in while they still can. Which means quiet time for me as Papa Bear has headed back to the hunting camp to get things ready for duck season. Knitting, coffee & reading. Perfect way to spend a Sunday morning.
I''ve picked out the next yarn for socks. A nice fall colour which is sitting beside me on the table and is inspiring me to get busy.

Take care & keep knitting!